Memberships Type

Certified Member

A. Sex Therapist

  1. To have completed at least 120 hours of education/training in the Association’s approved programs in sex therapy, and have at least 20 hours of practice under supervision.
  2. To be currently working in an area related to sex therapy (work may be paid or voluntary).
  3. To engage in at least 20 hours of professional development activities a year.
  4. To spend a minimum of 10 hours in the Association approved mutual learning groups for each 12 month period.
  5. To meet the full requirements for competency in the areas of “guidelines on competency of HKASERT Members” as authorized by the HKASERT Board.
  6. To be bound by the guidelines on the professional code of ethics as prescribed by the HKASERT Board.
  7. To be allowed to use the title, “HKASERT Certified Sex Therapist”.
  8. At the conclusion of every five years of certified membership, a new membership application must be made.

B. Sex Educator

  1. To have completed at least 90 hours of education/training in the Association’s approved programs in sexuality education, and have at least 20 hours of practice under supervision.
  2. To be currently working in an area related to sexuality education (work may be paid or voluntary).
  3. To engage in at least 20 hours of professional development activities a year.
  4. To meet the full requirements for competency in the areas of “guidelines on competency of HKASERT Members” as authorized by the HKASERT Board.
  5. To be bound by the guidelines on the professional code of ethics as prescribed by the HKASERT Board.
  6. To be allowed to use the title, “HKASERT Certified Sex Educator”.
  7. At the conclusion of every five years of certified membership, a new membership application must be made.

General Member

  1. To be currently working in an area related to sexuality (work may be paid or voluntary).
  2. To meet the full requirements for competency in the areas of “guidelines on competency of HKASERT Members” as authorised by the HKASERT’s Board of Directors.
  3. To be bound by the guidelines on professional code of ethics as prescribed by the HKASERT’s Board of Directors.
  4. To engage in at least 20 hours of professional development activities a year.
  5. at the conclusion of every five years of general membership, a new membership application must be made.

Associate Member

An associate member is a Member who has a working, qualified or bona fide interest in sexuality and sexual health, and who agrees to abide by the Association’s ethical standards.

Life Member

To recognize his/her contributions to the Association and with approval from the HKASERT’s Board of Directors, a currently retired or non-practicing certified Member or general Member may be granted with a life membership.

Membership Annual Fees

  • Certified member: $600
  • General member: $400
  • Associate member: $200

Membership Benefits:

  • Discounts for Conferences and Seminars
  • Publications
  • Web site access
  • Membership Directory (Certified and General Members only)
  • Voting Right (Certified and General Members only)
  • Referral Service (Certified Members only)

Membership Application:

Please fill in the Membership Application Form, and send to the following address together with a brief curriculum vitae and the appropriate membership fee. You will be notified the result of application in 3 months.

The Secretary
Hong Kong Association of Sexuality Educators, Researchers and Therapist Ltd.

Address: P.O. Box No. 28660, Gloucester Road Post Office, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Phone: 3583 4184
Fax: 3583 4185
Email: [email protected]